The actual effects of the COVID-19 “vaccinations”
The COVID-19 “vaccines” have since the beginning been advertised as “safe and effective”. However, real data paints a different picture. Almost no matter which way you look at the situation, the reality shows that the injections have been unsafe and far from effective. Let’s investigate what happened in Norway, using data from official sources.

Photo: Anna Shvets

Official data sources

In this article, several charts are being presented. To generate these charts, only data from official Norwegian data sources are used . The solution to generate the charts, including the database , is open source , and hence controllable by everyone.

Adverse events vs. side effects

Some say there is a difference between the terms “adverse events” and “side effects”:

“An adverse event is an undesired occurrence that results from taking a medication correctly.”
“A side effect is an undesired effect that occurs when the medication is administered regardless of the dose.”
“Adverse events are different from side effects and are never desired. Adverse events require interventions whereas most side effects spontaneously resolve with time. The 2 words are incorrectly used interchangeably yet mean 2 separate things. Although this may seem like common sense to some, the incorrect use of these 2 words appears to be a common mistake within the healthcare field.”
src: pharmacytimes.com

While others say it’s the same, like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
“Adverse reactions, also known as side effects, are considered to be caused by a vaccine”.
src: cdc.gov

In Norwegian we mainly use the term “bivirkning” (side effect), seldom the term “uønskede hendelser” (adverse events).

Since it’s unclear to me, and others, if there is a difference in between these two terms, I have simply used “adverse event” throughout this article.

Vaccination rate in Norway

Dose 1: 80.4%, Dose 2: 64.8%, Dose 3: 54.3% src:vg.no

src: c19vaxno

About 4.3 million compliant Norwegians , or 80.4% of the population, have been injected with the first dose. Around 4 million have received two doses, and around 2.9 million have received their third jab. Some Norwegians have received a forth dose as well.

Under-reporting is a fact

For adverse reactions, it is a known fact that far from all incidents are reported. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) has stated 1: “The fewest of adverse reactions are reported in databases” (“De færreste bivirkninger blir registrert i registre”). And studies shows 2 that 1 to 10% of all adverse reactions are reported, and at most 30 to 50% of deadly adverse reactions.

En hjørnestein innen legemiddelovervåkingen er rapportering av bivirkninger som oppdages av helsepersonell i klinisk praksis. Dette kalles spontanrapportering. I alle utviklede land finnes det systemer for dette. Et hovedproblem er underrapportering. I størrelsesorden 1 – 10 % av alle bivirkninger blir meldt. For dødelige bivirkninger meldes maksimalt 30 – 50 %” - Den Norske Legeforening