Photo: Anna Shvets
Official data sources
In this article, several charts are being presented. To generate these charts, only data from official Norwegian data sources are used . The solution to generate the charts, including the database , is open source , and hence controllable by everyone.
Adverse events vs. side effects
Some say there is a difference between the terms “adverse events” and “side effects”:
• “An adverse event is an undesired occurrence that results from taking a medication correctly.”
• “A side effect is an undesired effect that occurs when the medication is administered regardless of the dose.”
• “Adverse events are different from side effects and are never desired. Adverse events require interventions whereas most side effects spontaneously resolve with time. The 2 words are incorrectly used interchangeably yet mean 2 separate things. Although this may seem like common sense to some, the incorrect use of these 2 words appears to be a common mistake within the healthcare field.”
While others say it’s the same, like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
• “Adverse reactions, also known as side effects, are considered to be caused by a vaccine”.
In Norwegian we mainly use the term “bivirkning” (side effect), seldom the term “uønskede hendelser” (adverse events).
Since it’s unclear to me, and others, if there is a difference in between these two terms, I have simply used “adverse event” throughout this article.
Vaccination rate in Norway
Dose 1: 80.4%, Dose 2: 64.8%, Dose 3: 54.3%
src: c19vaxno
About 4.3 million compliant Norwegians , or 80.4% of the population, have been injected with the first dose. Around 4 million have received two doses, and around 2.9 million have received their third jab. Some Norwegians have received a forth dose as well.
Under-reporting is a fact
For adverse reactions, it is a known fact that far from all incidents are reported. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) has stated 1: “The fewest of adverse reactions are reported in databases” (“De færreste bivirkninger blir registrert i registre”). And studies shows 2 that 1 to 10% of all adverse reactions are reported, and at most 30 to 50% of deadly adverse reactions.
“En hjørnestein innen legemiddelovervåkingen er rapportering av bivirkninger som oppdages av helsepersonell i klinisk praksis. Dette kalles spontanrapportering. I alle utviklede land finnes det systemer for dette. Et hovedproblem er underrapportering. I størrelsesorden 1 – 10 % av alle bivirkninger blir meldt. For dødelige bivirkninger meldes maksimalt 30 – 50 %” - Den Norske Legeforening
src: c19vaxno
According to official data, 0.52% of all COVID-19 vaccine doses lead to a report with The Norwegian Medicines Agency (Legemiddelverket). So, for every extra dose a person gets, the chance of getting an adverse reaction increases by 0.52%. Close to everyone is expected to take at least two doses, which means 1.04% of the double jabbed reports an adverse reaction. In other words, 1 in 100 “double dosed” people end up with a report sent to the Medicines Agency.
If 10% of all the adverse events are reported, we can multiply the numbers by ten. However, it looks like we have a reporting rate closer to 1% than 10%. From early studies 3 we know that 57% had adverse reactions from the first dose (and that it was the second dose that gave the strongest adverse reactions). With Pfizer, 28.7% reported adverse reactions after dose one, and 50% after dose two. Using these numbers, we can assume that around 1% of the adverse events are reported, as 0.52% * 100 = 52%.
Downplaying the dangers of the “vaccines”
Although only a small percentage of the adverse reactions are reported, we’ve repeatedly been told by the “health authorities”, that the reported events not necessarily have anything to do with the “vaccines”. Of course, other factors than “vaccines” might be behind some of the reports. But when we know that as little as 1% of the adverse events can be reported, the truth is likely a lot worse than what the numbers show. Knowing this, it seems as if the politicians, the “health authorities” and the mainstream media are downplaying the negative consequences of the hastily developed “vaccines”, that have been injected into the arms of millions of Norwegians.
COVID-19 deaths in 2020, by age group. src:
Severe adverse reactions from the “vaccines”, by age group. src: c19vaxno
At the time of writing, there are reported 259 deaths from the “vaccines”, whereof 21 have been in “vaccinated” below 60 years old. 6029 reports of adverse reactions have been severe, meaning thousands of Norwegians have ended up in hospitals because of the jabs. Many of whom would not have any issues getting infected by SARS-CoV-2. After all, for most people COVID-19 is not worse than a seasonal flu . A flu can be a lot deadlier than what COVID-19 has been. Those who died from/with COVID-19 were generally of high age , and around 90% of them had comorbidities.
COVID-19 infections
src: c19vaxno
The injections did not stop the spread of the virus. No surprise here, as those who actually followed science have known that fact since 2020 4. When it comes to the “authorities”, they stated that they don’t follow science. Maybe that is why they keep changing their message.
It’s not that the injections didn’t stop the spread of the virus, it actually seems like it lead to a spike in infections. Something that has been reported from countries around the world .
COVID-19 associated deaths and hospitalisations
src: c19vaxno
So, what happened to the registered COVID-19 associated deaths after introducing the “vaccines”? Not exactly what the “health authorities” promised. The COVID-19 associated deaths increased, and new death records were set, week after week. Something the “authorities” struggle to explain , as they don’t want to blame the “vaccines”.
Another fact that no “authorities” nor main stream media want to talk about, is that the “vaccinated” are more likely to end up in hospital with COVID-19, compared to the unvaccinated. A complete reverse situation compared to the message pushed by the “health authorities”, that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated 9”. It “almost” seems like the “authorities” are more interested in scaring people, than keeping them healthy and up-to-date with real facts.
Excess mortality
2020 deaths compared to the average. src: c19vaxno
2020, 2021 and 2022 deaths compared to the average. src: c19vaxno
You would think that the excess mortality increased when a deadly pandemic swiped through the country. However, that was not the case for COVID-19. In 2020, there was instead a decrease in excess mortality. Actually, there were so few deaths that several funeral homes had to seek financial help .
Lockdowns in Norway. src:
Some will say that we didn’t see any increase in deaths because of the restrictions. However, that argument doesn’t stick to the wall, as we know the draconian measurements led to more harm than good.
2021 and 2022 deaths compared to the average. src: c19vaxno
2021 deaths compared to the average. src: c19vaxno
After the injections were given, the situation changed. Excess mortality in Norway went “through the roof”, and we saw up to a staggering 25.42% increase in excess deaths after dose three. The excess deaths might have nothing to do with the jabs and the amount of people dropping dead might be random. Correlation does not imply causation. However, it doesn’t exclude causation either. You would have to be pretty close-minded, if you are unable to see the possibility for causation.
All-time high for reported adverse events
During the swine flu “pandemic” in 2009, 2.2 million Norwegians got the Pandemrix vaccines, which resulted in 548 reported severe adverse events. That means 1 in about 4015 got severe adverse reactions. Afterwards, Preben Aavitsland from Norwegian Institute of Public Health stated that 8 it was “the most severe vaccine disaster in modern history”.
src: c19vaxno
So far, with 4.33 million Norwegians being “COVID jabbed”, there are 6029 reports of severe adverse events. That means that as many as 1 in about 718 can have10 reported severe adverse events from the injections. So, it seems like it’s approximately 5 times more likely to get severe adverse reactions from the COVID-19 injections, than it was from taking the scandalous Pandemrix jab.
src: c19vaxno
src: c19vaxno
In both 2021 and 2022 there has been record high numbers in both reported adverse reactions, and reported deaths from medicines. Has this made “our” politicians and “our” “health authorities” worried? Not at all! This time there is no vaccine disaster . There is nothing to worry about. Everything is fine and the new “vaccines” are extremely safe and effective , and “our leaders” keep pushing boosters .
So much more …
I could have written a lot more about the COVID-19 situation. I could have written more about the fear propaganda and the absence of science . I could have written about the PCR tests , the masks , the suppression and ridiculing of treatment protocols , the shaming of the unvaccinated, the cruelty 6 towards those asking questions, to mention a few things. However, I will leave it here. If you don’t see the madness in what has happened since the beginning of 2020, not because of any virus, but because of “leaders” that never should lead anyone, I don’t think there is more that can be said or written.
Since most have received several shots, the same person might have submitted more than one report of adverse events. In the publicly available data, the number of people with adverse events are not reported. Hence, the actual number is likely to be smaller. ↩